Sehr schönes Video, das einen Reise-Shaker in allen seinen Einzelheiten zeigt...
Für alle, die Cocktail-Shaker sammeln und lieben... Kontakt: vintage.shakers @
Montag, 31. Mai 2010
Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010
Reise Shaker
Jeder Barkeeper kennt das: man will zu einem Wettbewerb, einem Booking oder auf einen Kurztrip und hat entsprechend viele Dinge mitzunehmen.
Man fängt an zu packen: Shakerglas in die Tin rein, Jigger, Pourer rein, vielleicht noch die Speedshaker Tin oben drauf.
Dazu Barlöffel, Strainer, Barmesser... die Tasche ist voll.
Gläser? In den Karton und unter den Arm geklemmt.
Jetzt noch die Infusion/ die geheime Zutat in die Tasche... überfüllt!!!
Kein sicherer Transport mehr möglich.
Jetzt würde sich noch eine Store´n´Pour Flasche anbieten, doch wo kriegt man die noch unter?
Diese Problematik, der große Umfang eines Barkoffers und die damit verbundene Unhandlichkeit führten dazu, dass ich mir einen Reiseshaker angeschafft habe.
Sicher nicht das richtige für Wettbewerbe, aber für Unterwegs genau das richtige.
Shaker: Tin-Tin-Variante, darin: 1 Becher, auch als Speedshaker nutzbar und eine Flasche aus Metall, in die ich den Drink/ die Zutat geben kann.
Alles zusammen gut verpackt in einem Lederetui.
Was ich vor Ort dann noch brauche: Eis und vielleicht Garnitur.
Aufschütteln, abseihen, Drink genießen.
Man fängt an zu packen: Shakerglas in die Tin rein, Jigger, Pourer rein, vielleicht noch die Speedshaker Tin oben drauf.
Dazu Barlöffel, Strainer, Barmesser... die Tasche ist voll.
Gläser? In den Karton und unter den Arm geklemmt.
Jetzt noch die Infusion/ die geheime Zutat in die Tasche... überfüllt!!!
Kein sicherer Transport mehr möglich.
Jetzt würde sich noch eine Store´n´Pour Flasche anbieten, doch wo kriegt man die noch unter?
Diese Problematik, der große Umfang eines Barkoffers und die damit verbundene Unhandlichkeit führten dazu, dass ich mir einen Reiseshaker angeschafft habe.
Sicher nicht das richtige für Wettbewerbe, aber für Unterwegs genau das richtige.
Shaker: Tin-Tin-Variante, darin: 1 Becher, auch als Speedshaker nutzbar und eine Flasche aus Metall, in die ich den Drink/ die Zutat geben kann.
Alles zusammen gut verpackt in einem Lederetui.
Was ich vor Ort dann noch brauche: Eis und vielleicht Garnitur.
Aufschütteln, abseihen, Drink genießen.
Dienstag, 18. Mai 2010
Interview with Thomas Malott Part 2
Which is your favorite shaker and why? And do you have one with a personal story?
This is an unfair question; I don’t have a favorite, I have many. Of course I love my Empire for superb design and construction, I love my Lady’s Leg for its crazy, over-the-top style, I love the Farber Bubble, I love my rolling pin, I love an unknown, and under appreciated, cone-shaped with black stripes shaker, I love them all.

Is there still a cocktail shaker or bar item you have heard about but never seen? Something like the Holy Grail of Shakers?
I’ve only seen pictures of Desney of Paris and a green glass fire extinguisher. A cobalt Lady’s Legg is a myth, I think.
What do you think about modern bar design; i.e.; the Flip Top shaker by Metrokane?
I have a Metrokane. It’s oaky. I prefer a 3-piece shaker. The Nambe Twist is beautiful as is the Faberge cut cobalt to clear. I own them both. The later was a gift from my son.
Do you think reproducing vintage shakers is a good idea?
NO! While I think that everyone should have access to beautiful design, copies need to be clearly marked as such and so many of them are not. Restoration Hardware sells copies of some of the more desirable copies of rare shakers; they fortunately clearly mark their reproductions. I was recently working with a reputable antique dealer on an Asprey Thirst Extinguisher. They had a fake, but to verify this I had to consult the research department of Asprey! The listing has still not been removed (they still claim Asprey contracted to Turton which is why their shaker has the Turton hallmark). As the prices of the rarest shakers go up, we all need to be vigilant of fakes
What are your future projects and plans?
I will continue to look for unusual examples of fine design, but I will not mortgage my house to pay for a rare shaker. I think the fun is in the hunt and I will continue hunting!
Can you tell us a few homepages where we can find further information about shakers and bar ware?
This is an unfair question; I don’t have a favorite, I have many. Of course I love my Empire for superb design and construction, I love my Lady’s Leg for its crazy, over-the-top style, I love the Farber Bubble, I love my rolling pin, I love an unknown, and under appreciated, cone-shaped with black stripes shaker, I love them all.

Is there still a cocktail shaker or bar item you have heard about but never seen? Something like the Holy Grail of Shakers?
I’ve only seen pictures of Desney of Paris and a green glass fire extinguisher. A cobalt Lady’s Legg is a myth, I think.
What do you think about modern bar design; i.e.; the Flip Top shaker by Metrokane?
I have a Metrokane. It’s oaky. I prefer a 3-piece shaker. The Nambe Twist is beautiful as is the Faberge cut cobalt to clear. I own them both. The later was a gift from my son.
Do you think reproducing vintage shakers is a good idea?
NO! While I think that everyone should have access to beautiful design, copies need to be clearly marked as such and so many of them are not. Restoration Hardware sells copies of some of the more desirable copies of rare shakers; they fortunately clearly mark their reproductions. I was recently working with a reputable antique dealer on an Asprey Thirst Extinguisher. They had a fake, but to verify this I had to consult the research department of Asprey! The listing has still not been removed (they still claim Asprey contracted to Turton which is why their shaker has the Turton hallmark). As the prices of the rarest shakers go up, we all need to be vigilant of fakes
What are your future projects and plans?
I will continue to look for unusual examples of fine design, but I will not mortgage my house to pay for a rare shaker. I think the fun is in the hunt and I will continue hunting!
Can you tell us a few homepages where we can find further information about shakers and bar ware?
Montag, 17. Mai 2010
Interview with Thomas Malott Part 1
Personal information:

My name is Thomas Malott and I live with my 12 years old son, Joseph, in Walnut Creek—a small town outside of San Francisco. I have worked for Bayer AG in Berkeley, California for over 15 years. In my spare time I enjoy gardening, forcing my son to garden and of course scouting obscure antique stores for the find of a lifetime—a 23-piece Henckels airplane traveling bar or an Asprey Thirst Extinguisher. My son is very useful as his eyes are better than mine and he can spot a shaker a mile away. If anyone wants to chat further, or is interested in trading, I can be reached at tm4755 @
How did you get started collecting?
Collecting vintage cocktail shakers was a logical intersection of two of my favorite things—antiques and booze. I started collecting about 6 years ago after finding a silver plated cocktail shaker that matched my 1928 silverware service. I was hooked—and what keeps me interested is the history, especially US history surrounding the Prohibition, lore and the fine sense of design in many of the shakers in the Art Deco era.

How many shakers do you have and how do you store them?
I don’t know how many shakers I have—certainly less than 100. About 50 of my favorites are displayed in my family room on shelves and display cabinets that line the room. These include a mint Revere Empire, Napier Penguin, Farber Bubble, a 1935 Chase Blue Moon, Maxwell-Phillips Hour Glass, and other named and unnamed tributes to fine design. This includes figural shakers in the shape of a bowling pin, a bar bell, a fire extinguisher, a bell, and a rolling pin.

Which is the oldest and which did you buy last?
The oldest shaker in my collection is a Chinese export by maker Wang Hing; this shaker is from the late nineteenth century. Most of my shakers are from the 20’s and 30’s. A few days ago I bought a cobalt glass and silver banded shaker. I picked it up at a rural antique dealer for $35.00. My last significant investment was a ruby West Virginia Specialty Glass Lady’s Leg. It is gorgeous! This is the only shaker that I have in my bedroom.
My name is Thomas Malott and I live with my 12 years old son, Joseph, in Walnut Creek—a small town outside of San Francisco. I have worked for Bayer AG in Berkeley, California for over 15 years. In my spare time I enjoy gardening, forcing my son to garden and of course scouting obscure antique stores for the find of a lifetime—a 23-piece Henckels airplane traveling bar or an Asprey Thirst Extinguisher. My son is very useful as his eyes are better than mine and he can spot a shaker a mile away. If anyone wants to chat further, or is interested in trading, I can be reached at tm4755 @
How did you get started collecting?
Collecting vintage cocktail shakers was a logical intersection of two of my favorite things—antiques and booze. I started collecting about 6 years ago after finding a silver plated cocktail shaker that matched my 1928 silverware service. I was hooked—and what keeps me interested is the history, especially US history surrounding the Prohibition, lore and the fine sense of design in many of the shakers in the Art Deco era.

How many shakers do you have and how do you store them?
I don’t know how many shakers I have—certainly less than 100. About 50 of my favorites are displayed in my family room on shelves and display cabinets that line the room. These include a mint Revere Empire, Napier Penguin, Farber Bubble, a 1935 Chase Blue Moon, Maxwell-Phillips Hour Glass, and other named and unnamed tributes to fine design. This includes figural shakers in the shape of a bowling pin, a bar bell, a fire extinguisher, a bell, and a rolling pin.

Which is the oldest and which did you buy last?
The oldest shaker in my collection is a Chinese export by maker Wang Hing; this shaker is from the late nineteenth century. Most of my shakers are from the 20’s and 30’s. A few days ago I bought a cobalt glass and silver banded shaker. I picked it up at a rural antique dealer for $35.00. My last significant investment was a ruby West Virginia Specialty Glass Lady’s Leg. It is gorgeous! This is the only shaker that I have in my bedroom.
Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2010
Montag, 10. Mai 2010
Cocktail Kingdom
Cocktail Kingdom bietet bekanntlich japanische Barwerkzeuge an. Hier ist nun ein sehr schönes Werbevideo:
Montag, 3. Mai 2010
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